Nano Boot Camp
Pyramids in cancer cells, courtesy of Teri Odom
The 2019 Nano Boot Camp for Clinicians
Monday, Sept. 9, 2019
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Baldwin Auditorium
Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center
303 E. Superior Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Since biological processes occur at the nanoscale, the potential for using nanotechnology to develop new diagnostics and therapeutics for cancer is vast. For example, nanoparticles capable of exclusively targeting tumor cells and not harming healthy cells would dramatically reduce unwanted side effects. Such nanoparticle drug delivery systems could also allow clinicians to resurrect powerful chemotherapeutic agents that were abandoned due to their high toxicity.
In order to engage and inform the clinical community about recent advances at the convergence of nanotechnology and cancer, the IIN in partnership with the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center sponsors an annual Nano Boot Camp for Clinicians. This symposium provides an excellent way for clinicians and medical students to gain an understanding of nanotechnology, the current advances in the field, and the prospects for translating these advances to the clinic.
The event is free; however, registration is required.
12 p.m. – Leonidas C. Platanias, MD, PhD
Director, Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center
Opening Remarks
12:05 – 12:30 p.m. – Nathan Gianneschi, PhD
Jacob & Rosaline Cohn Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern; Associate Director, International Institute for Nanotechnology
Nano Basics for Clinicians
12:30 – 1:00 p.m. – Vinayak P. Dravid, PhD
Abraham Harris Professor of Materials Science and Engineering; Founding Director, Northwestern University Atomic and Nanoscale Characterization (NUANCE) Center
Magnetic Nanostructures (MNS) for Theranostics: From Diagnostic Imaging to Targeted Therapy
1 – 1:30 p.m. – C. “Shad” Thaxton, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine
Targeting Diseases of Lipid Excess with Nanobiologics
For more information on the IIN Nano Boot Camp for Clinicians, please contact Margaret Connolly at m-connolly@northwestern.edu.