Research Initiatives
Headquartered at Northwestern University
- MURI: Sequence-Defined Synthetic Polymers Enabled by Engineered Translation Machinery (Michael Jewett, PI)
- MURI: 4D Nanoprinter for Making and Manipulating Macroscopic Materials (Chad Mirkin, PI)
- MURI: Conductive DNA Systems and Molecular Devices (Mark Ratner, PI)
- MURI: Bioprogrammable 1,2, and 3-D Materials (Chad Mirkin, PI)
- MURI: Multiscale Design and Manufacturing of Hybrid DWCNT-Polymer Fibers (Horacio Espinosa, PI)
- MURI: Electrochemical Imaging and Mechanistic Studies on the Nanometer Scale (Richard Van Duyne, PI)
Headquartered at other institutions
- NIRT: Design of Biocompatible Nanoparticles for Probing Living Cellular Functions and their Potential Environmental Impacts (Xiaohong Nancy Xu, Old Dominion University)